blogs index
Table of Contents
1. 2025
- 202502 网络文章@202502
- 202501 网络文章@202501
2. 2024
- 202412 美国几种食品配料表
- 202412 Trino Hive Partitions 加载过程
- 202412 Trino 查询调度和线程池
- 202412 网络文章@202412
- 202411 MCTS for Nim
- 202411 LC 3362. 零数组变换 III
- 202411 LC 3367. 移除边之后的权重最大和
- 202411 怎样激励10到25岁的人(激励年轻人的科学) 《精英日课》解读
- 202411 LC 3357. 最小化相邻元素的最大差值 区间覆盖贪心算法
- 202411 超预期寿命Outlive 《精英日课》解读
- 202411 网络文章@202411
- 202411 LC 3348. 最小可整除数位乘积 II 因子分解和预填充
- 202411 LC 3347. 执行操作后元素的最高频率 II 准确挑选特征值
- 202410 抽象者劳心 from 硅谷王川公号2018年合集
- 202410 论写作的六大好处和一个坏处 from 硅谷王川公号2018年合集
- 202410 论"目标导向"和"过程导向" from 硅谷王川公号2018年合集
- 202410 论决策机制和纠错成本 from 硅谷王川公号2019合集
- 202410 从品牌和应用场景的思维模型看比特币 from 硅谷王川公号2019合集
- 202410 Uber 上市会引爆硅谷的泡沫破灭吗? from 硅谷王川公号2019合集
- 202410 重要的东西,往往是看不见的 from 硅谷王川公号2019合集
- 202410 成功的关键等于网络 from 硅谷王川公号2019合集
- 202410 活下来就好及时出场就好 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 每年阅读500本书 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 为什么人们不断预言摩尔定律会死掉 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 出钱最多的视角才是上帝视角 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 抛弃对这个世界的一厢情愿 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 创新扩散的理论模型和误区 from 硅谷王川公号2020年合集
- 202410 LC 3337. 字符串转换后的长度 II 矩阵求幂
- 202410 LC 3336. 最大公约数相等的子序列数量
- 202410 论投资高成长垄断型资产的八个误区 from 硅谷王川公号2021合集
- 202410 幸福来自全面复合增长 from 硅谷王川公号2021合集
- 202410 关于间歇性断食 from 硅谷王川公号2021合集
- 202410 权利和垄断演化机制 from 硅谷王川公号2022合集
- 202410 做题家和出题家 from 硅谷王川公号2022合集
- 202410 BigLake BigQuery’s Evolution toward a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse sigmod2024
- 202410 Life Lessons from the First Half-Century of My Career David Patterson
- 202410 Measuring your system’s performance using software (Go edition)
- 202410 关于网络安全学习的合集 by tombkeeper
- 202410 天涯被封几大神贴 from twitter
- 202410 Apache Arrow Theory & Practice Explained @2017
- 202410 LC 3317. 安排活动的方案数 `F(n,k)` 将n个人分配到k个项目中且确保每个项目至少有一个1的计数
- 202410 write coroutine code using boost context
- 202410 What Modern NVMe Storage Can Do, And How To Exploit It vldb2023
- 202410 What Goes Around Comes Around, And Around sigmod record 2024
- 202410 网络文章@202410
- 202410 Tidy Tuples and Flying Start Fast Compilation and Fast Execution of Relational Queries in Umbra
- 202410 ClickHouse - Lightning Fast Analytics for Everyone vldb2024
- 202410 SingleStore-V An Integrated Vector Database System in SingleStore vldb2024
- 202410 The Art of Latency Hiding in Modern Database Engines vldb2024
- 202410 JSON Tiles Fast Analytics on Semi-Structured Data sigmod2021
- 202409 字符串两种前缀算法(z和kmp)
- 202409 What every systems programmer should know about concurrency
- 202409 PilotScope Steering Databases with Machine Learning Drivers vldb2024
- 202409 SCOPE Easy and Efficient Parallel Processing of Massive Data Sets vldb2008
- 202409 AI Meets Database- AI4DB and DB4AI sigmod 2021
- 202409 Presto's History-based Query Optimizer vldb2024
- 202409 Two Birds With One Stone Designing a Hybrid Cloud Storage Engine for HTAP vldb2024
- 202409 Databases Unbound Querying All of the World’s Bytes with AI vldb2024
- 202409 LeanStore A High-Performance Storage Engine for NVMe SSDs vldb2024
- 202409 Portfolio versus resume
- 202409 Neo A Learned Query Optimizer vldb2019
- 202409 Adaptive and Robust Query Execution for Lakehouses at Scale vldb2024
- 202409 BOSS - An Architecture for Database Kernel Composition vldb2024
- 202409 LC 3292. 形成目标字符串需要的最少字符串数 II AC自动机+DP
- 202409 阿里云新加坡机房火灾
- 202409 网络文章@202409
- 202409 LC 3277. 查询子数组最大异或值 多轮前缀和
- 202409 LC 3276. 选择矩阵中单元格的最大得分 特定搜索顺序的dp
- 202409 LC 3273. 对 Bob 造成的最少伤害 启发式得到贪心排序特征
- 202409 LC 3272. 统计好整数的数目 抽取特征+组合计数
- 202408 LC 3261. 统计满足 K 约束的子字符串数量 II
- 202408 LC 3257. 放三个车的价值之和最大 II 3个点的枚举方法
- 202408 The Age of AI by Eric Schdmit
- 202407 LC 3235. 判断矩形的两个角落是否可达 使用圆来覆盖矩形
- 202407 LC 3234. 统计 1 显著的字符串的数量 O(n * sqrt(n))的算法
- 202407 JVM print assembly code
- 202407 Efficiency Tips for Engineers (From An AI Researcher + Stanford PhD)
- 202407 生命3.0 Max Tegmark
- 202407 网络文章@202407
- 202406 LC 100318. 合并两棵树后的最小直径
- 202406 网络文章@202406
- 202406 LC 100333. 统计逆序对的数目 抽象地思考排列顺序
- 202406 LC 100327. 求出最长好子序列 II
- 202406 LC 100320. 执行操作可获得的最大总奖励 II python内置biset
- 202406 孩子的大脑 by 阿尔瓦罗·毕尔巴鄂
- 202405 LC 100306. 不包含相邻元素的子序列的最大和 线段树
- 202405 LC 100321. 优质数对的总数 II 调和级数分析
- 202405 LC 100314. 物块放置查询 线段树+辅助二叉树
- 202405 LC 100312. 找出分数最低的排列 TSP问题可以用动态规划求解
- 202405 The Gluten Open-Source Software Project @ 2023
- 202405 Dremel A Decade of Interactive SQL Analysis at Web Scale @ 2020
- 202405 Integrating Deep Learning Frameworks into Main-Memory Databases
- 202405 Self-Tuning Query Scheduling for Analytical Workloads
- 202405 网络文章@202405
- 202404 数据库公司质量管理问题
- 202404 LC 100293. 找出所有稳定的二进制数组 II 二维前缀和不好维护 / 基于代码结构做优化
- 202404 Snowflake产品堆栈
- 202404 DBX产品堆栈
- 202404 CMUDB Talk on Photon
- 202404 LC 100259. 划分数组得到最小的值之和 And值可以考虑作为dp状态
- 202404 LC 100267. 单面值组合的第 K 小金额 组合数学中的计数问题
- 202404 网络文章@202404
- 202404 LC 3108. 带权图里旅途的最小代价
- 202404 LC 100240. 最小化曼哈顿距离 集合中两点的最大曼哈顿距离
- 202403 LC 100241. 求出所有子序列的能量和未命名
- 202403 LC 100249. 替换字符串中的问号使分数最小
- 202403 (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup 创业公司基础架构搭建指南
- 202403 FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store @ 2021
- 202402 AOC2023-Day25 求解图的最小割
- 202402 Commit to competence in this coming year 致力于来年的能力 by DHH
- 202402 LC 3031. 将单词恢复初始状态所需的最短时间 II 分组KMP
- 202402 网络文章@202402
- 202401 LC 3022. 给定操作次数内使剩余元素的或值最小
- 202401 All my favorite tracing tools 作者收集了各种tracing工具,信息量挺大的(收藏)
- 202401 LC 3012. 通过操作使数组长度最小 数学推理
- 202401 网络文章@202401
- 202401 What Every Developer Should Know About GPU Computing GPU计算科普文章
- 202401 LC 2983. 回文串重新排列查询 两个区间内字符串调整
3. 2023
- 202312 LC 2977. 转换字符串的最小成本 II
- 202312 LC 2972. 统计移除递增子数组的数目 II
- 202312 data skew hash join优化方法
- 202312 Photon: A Fast Query Engine for Lakehouse Systems
- 202312 The Dataflow Model: A Practical Approach to Balancing Correctness, Latency, and Cost in Massive-Scale, Unbounded, Out-of-Order Data Processing @ 2015
- 202312 Cloud-Native Transactions and Analytics in SingleStore
- 202312 StarRocks Primary Key:实时更新不可缺少的利器
- 202312 LC 2968. 执行操作使频率分数最大
- 202312 LC 2967. 使数组成为等数数组的最小代价
- 202312 From Cloud Computing to Sky Computing by Ion Stocia
- 202312 Always Measure One Level Deeper by JOHN OUSTERHOUT
- 202312 网络文章@202312
- 202312 LC 100136. 统计好分割方案的数目
- 202312 Producing Wrong Data Without Doing Anything Obviously Wrong!
- 202312 SQLite: Past, Present, and Future
- 202312 Napa: Powering Scalable Data Warehousing with Robust Query Performance at Google
- 202312 无限的游戏(The Infinite Game) by Simon Sinek (see also "The Golden Circle")
- 202312 LC 2954. 统计感冒序列的数目 排列组合 + 乘法逆元
- 202312 LC 2953. 统计完全子字符串 枚举可能 + 滑动窗口(本周赛太难)
- 202312 LC 2952. 需要添加的硬币的最小数量 数学归纳(本周赛太难)
- 202312 LeanStore: In-Memory Data Management Beyond Main Memory
- 202312 Adaptive self-tuning memory in DB2 @ 2006
- 202311 网络文章@202311
- 202311 SQL MM in Oracle9i @ 2002
- 202311 Chimp: Efficient Lossless Floating Point Compression for Time Series Databases
- 202311 LC 2945. 找到最大非递减数组的长度 数学推导单调性
- 202311 Efficient External Sorting in DuckDB
- 202311 A Deep Dive into Common Open Formats for Analytical DBMSs
- 202311 LC 2939. 最大异或乘积
- 202311 使用ByteBuddy来截获Java类实现
- 202311 The Story of AWS Glue
- 202311 LC 100124. 找出强数对的最大异或值 II 区间更新+线段树
- 202311 Exploiting Cloud Object Storage for High-Performance Analytics
- 202311 Firecracker: Lightweight Virtualization for Serverless Applications
- 202311 LC 100112. 平衡子序列的最大和 (离散化 + 线段树)
- 202311 LC 2916. 子数组不同元素数目的平方和 II 数学+线段树(终于会写线段树了)
- 202310 LC 2902. 和带限制的子多重集合的数目 多重背包:滚动数组和前缀和优化
- 202310 LC 8026. 构造乘积矩阵 前后缀算法和模逆元算法
- 202310 尝试迁移到Windows上
- 202310 网络文章@202310
- 202310 投资是怎么赚钱的 30分钟讲述投资底层逻辑的科普视频
- 202309 LC 2867. 统计树中的合法路径数目 简单的树遍历
- 202309 LC 2866. 美丽塔 II 寻找最近的不大于自己的点(二叉树是不行的)
- 202309 LC 8020. 字符串转换 KMP + 矩阵求幂
- 202309 网络文章@202309
- 202309 LC 2836. 在传球游戏中最大化函数值 倍增算法 / 前向DFS
- 202309 LC 2846. 边权重均等查询 Tarjan LCA + 树拆分
- 202308 Confessions of a Advertising Man(一个广告人的自白) by 大卫奥维格
- 202308 LC 8013. 范围中美丽整数的数目 数位DP
- 202308 LC 2809. 使数组和小于等于 x 的最少时间 排序不等式+DP
- 202308 LC 2813. 子序列最大优雅度 反悔贪心(贪心是可以撤销的),多目标优化
- 202308 LC 2790. 长度递增组的最大数目 挪位贪心
- 202308 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind(人类简史)
- 202308 LC 2791. 树中可以形成回文的路径数 树状图通常都是DFS
- 202308 晚明 by 柯山梦
- 202308 LC 6957. 统计范围内的步进数字数目 数位dp
- 202308 网络文章@202308
- 202308 Homo Deus:A Brief History of Tomorrow(未来简史)
- 202308 巴菲特致股东的信(The Essays of Warren Buffett)
- 202307 Java Class 加载乱象一例
- 202307 在StarRocks中使用UDWF计算用户留存
- 202307 《手册》中文 - 爱比克泰德
- 202307 LC 6919. 使数组中的所有元素都等于零 差分数组
- 202307 Understanding Cost Models 理解优化器的成本模型
- 202307 The Product-Minded Software Engineer 以产品为中心的软件工程师
- 202307 网络文章@202307
- 202306 野生问题 by 《精英日课》
- 202306 KK 劝世良言 by 《精英日课》
- 202306 网络文章@202306
- 202306 LC 2719. 统计整数数目 数位 dp
- 202306 从摄像想到信息稀释效应
- 202306 美国出差日记 - 6月
- 202306 Joe Duffy's Software Leadership Series
- 202306 Think real hard
- 202306 How To Be Successful by Sam Altman
- 202306 You don’t need to work on hard problems 你不需要解决困难的问题 推荐
- 202306 10x (engineer, context) pairs
- 202306 Some mistakes I made as a new manager 我作为新经理犯的一些错误
- 202305 抢占心智 by 江南春
- 202305 像火箭科学家一样思考(Think Like a Rocket Scientist) by Ozan Varol
- 202305 创造(Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making) by Tony Fadell
- 202305 LC 2699. 修改图中的边权 两遍dijkstra
- 202305 美国出差日记 - 5月
- 202305 网络文章@202305
- 202305 ChatGPT Prompt Design Doc
- 202305 ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers
- 202305 用GPT搭建问答系统
- 202305 莎士比亚戏剧集
- 202305 文明之光 by 吴军
- 202304 美国出差日记 - 4月
- 202304 一种基于探测的自适应IO并发实现
- 202303 美国出差日记 - 3月
- 202303 lzo压缩算法和codec
- 202303 时区偏移不是固定的
- 202303 基于开源项目构建产品的思考
- 202303 开源:从社区到商业化
- 202302 美国出差日记 - 2月
- 202302 非对称风险(Skin in The Game) by NNT
- 202302 如何塑造他人行为 by 《精英日课》
- 202302 【王德峰教授讲座】王阳明心学
- 202302 对于网络延迟和带宽的理解
- 202302 对于存储系统IOPS和性能的理解
- 202302 Numbers Everyone Should Know
- 202302 What Your Computer Does While You Wait
- 202302 效率是一种脆弱游戏 by 《精英日课》
- 202301 使用Java ThreadSanitizer发现data race
- 202301 工作:巨变时代的现状、挑战与未来(The Job: Work and Its Future in a Time of Radical Change)
- 202301 中国式管理行为 - 结语 曾仕强
- 202301 Github上删除敏感信息
- 202301 The Five Minute Rule 1997 @ 1997
- 202301 The Five Minute Rule 1987 @ 1987
- 202301 FSST: Fast Random Access String Compression @ 2020
- 202301 Stack Overflow: The Architecture - 2016 Edition
- 202301 Best practices for using the Java Native Interface
- 202301 eBPF - Rethinking the Linux Kernel
4. 2022
- 202212 Inside look at modern web browser @ 2018
- 202212 filter range实现优化
- 202211 Data structure size and cache-line accesses
- 202211 Thinking Clearly about Performance by Cary Millsap
- 202211 易经的奥秘 cctv 曾仕强
- 202211 一个简单的几种memcpy实现的性能测试对比
- 202211 一个简单的tcmalloc/jemalloc性能测试对比
- 202211 使用Chrome Trace Viewer来观察调度
- 202210 Rob Pike's 5 Rules of Programming
- 202210 Computing Performance 2021 What's On the Horizon
- 202210 JIT-Compiling SQL Queries in PostgreSQL Using LLVM
- 202210 Instruction Sets Want To Be Free: A Case for RISC-V
- 202210 How did you learn so much stuff about Oracle? by Cary Millsap
- 202210 LeetCode 数字经济算法编程大赛 2022
- 202210 南京大学 ICS-PA 总结
- 202210 优化定长二进制串到整数变换
- 202209 符号扩展的几种实现
- 202208 ScyllaDB’s New IO Scheduler @ 2021
- 202208 Designing a Userspace Disk I/O Scheduler for Modern Datastores: the ScyllaDB example @ 2016
- 202208 Code Simplicity by Max Kanat-Alex
- 202208 优化数学函数案例 - Speeding up atan2f by 50x
- 202208 FizzBuzz程序优化
- 202208 Building a Career in Technology
- 202208 优化Linux Pipe案例分析
- 202207 王德峰【重读资本论】
- 202206 Introduction to HTTP/2
- 202206 Relaxed Operator Fusion for In-Memory Databases @ 2017
- 202206 Inside the SQL Server Query Optimizer @ 2010
- 202206 Facebook CacheLib 文档调研
- 202206 为什么需要更多 8 位单片机?
- 202205 东京一年 by 蒋方舟
- 202205 42 things I learned from building a production database
- 202205 Data Processing at the Speed of 100 Gbps using Apache Crail
- 202205 MonetDB/X100: Hyper-Pipelining Query Execution @ 2005
- 202205 TinyLFU: A Highly Efficient Cache Admission Policy @ 2015
- 202205 Main Memory Database Systems: An Overview @ 1991
- 202205 Umbra: A Disk-Based System with In-Memory Performance @ 2020
- 202205 Amazon Redshift Re-invented @ 2022
- 202205 PushdownDB: Accelerating a DBMS using S3 Computation @ 2020
- 202205 Pocket: Elastic Ephemeral Storage for Serverless Analytics @ 2018
- 202205 Building An Elastic Query Engine on Disaggregated Storage @ 2020
- 202205 FlexPushdownDB: Hybrid Pushdown and Caching in a Cloud DBMS @ 2021
- 202205 Columnar Storage Optimization and Caching for Data Lakes @ 2022
- 202205 垃圾回收的算法和实现 by 中村成洋
- 202205 Crystal: A Unified Cache Storage System for Analytical Databases @ 2021
- 202205 Using Apache Arrow, Calcite, and Parquet to Build a Relational Cache
- 202205 Dremio C3效果分析
- 202205 Dremio Reflections/Views文档说明
- 202205 Barbarians at the Gateways by Jacob Loveless
- 202205 SWAR explained: parsing eight digits
- 202205 When the OS gets in the way - Mark Price
- 202204 The H2O distributed K/V algorithm by Cliff Click
- 202204 A Crash Course in Modern Hardware by Cliff Click
- 202204 CppCon 2016: Dan Saks “extern c: Talking to C Programmers about C++”
- 202204 Algorithmica Compilation & Profiling
- 202204 Algorithmica CompArch & Language
- 202204 Algorithmica RAM & CPU Caches
- 202204 Algorithmica SIMD
- 202204 The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores @ 2016
- 202204 F1 Query: Declarative Querying at Scale @ 2018
- 202204 Architecture of a Database System @ 2007
- 202204 Readings in Database Systems, 5th Edition (2015)
- 202203 Data Center Computers: Modern Challenges in CPU Design @ 2015
- 202203 Go Scheduler: Implementing language with lightweight concurrency @ 2019
- 202203 log4j引起高CPU使用率的问题
- 202203 Memory Ordering in Modern Microprocessors by Paul E. McKenney @ 2005
- 202203 优化读取小Stripe的ORC文件
- 202203 Delta Lake: High-Performance ACID Table Storage over Cloud Object Stores @ 2020
- 202203 BPF Performance Tools @ Brendan Gregg
- 202203 Cloud Programming Simplified: A Berkeley View on Serverless Computing @ 2019
- 202203 ASCII & Hex codes
- 202202 中国24节气
- 202202 编译和安装bcc/bpftrace
- 202202 lock-free section
- 202202 Feels Like Faster vs. Is Actually Faster (看上去很快 vs. 实际真的很快)
- 202202 晚明 - 檄文 (附《出军歌》)
- 202202 Lock-Based/Lock-Free/Wait-Free之间区别
- 202202 Task Scheduling Strategies by
- 202202 Presto: SQL on Everything @ 2019
- 202202 Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources @ 2018
- 202202 CppCon 2017: Fedor Pikus “Read, Copy, Update, then what? RCU for non-kernel programmers” by Fedor Pikus
- 202202 Branchless Programming in C++ - Fedor Pikus - CppCon 2021 by Fedor Pikus
- 202202 CppCon 2017: Fedor Pikus “C++ atomics, from basic to advanced. What do they really do?” by Fedor Pikus
- 202201 阿里云带宽测试
- 202201 现代C++白皮书(C++ 2006-2020)
- 202201 搜索引擎很强大,还需要自己思考答案吗? 《硅谷来信》
- 202201 父母没有办法讲通道理,应该怎么办? 《硅谷来信》
- 202201 为什么某个领域的英雄人物总是在某一个时期一起涌现呢? 《精英日课》
- 202201 数据/信息/知识/智慧 《精英日课》
5. 2021
- 202112 Examining applications that do not terminate on std::bad_alloc
- 202112 Java at Speed by Gil Tene
- 202112 Roaring Bitmap 序列化长度变化分析
- 202112 How NOT to Measure Latency by Gil Tene
- 202112 "Performance Matters" by Emery Berger
- 202112 Multicore Optimization NOTUR 2009 by Philip Mucci
- 202112 Understanding Compiler Optimization in LLVM
- 202112 在Linux远程桌面里使用VTune
- 202112 Let’s talk locks!
- 202111 Patterns in confusing explanations
- 202111 How to get useful answers to your questions
- 202111 What Every Engineer and Computer Scientist Should Know: The Biggest Contributor to Happiness
- 202111 回抚州带姑姑去看病
- 202111 Disruptor Technical Paper @ 2011
- 202110 Efficiently Compiling Efficient Query Plans for Modern Hardware
- 202110 The LMAX Architecture by Martin Fowler
- 202110 NUMA An Overview 关于NUMA的介绍性文章
- 202110 链接器与加载器(Beta2 / 20061107)
- 202110 虚函数的额外开销
- 202110 一段奇怪的汇编代码
- 202110 国庆在家的讨论小节
- 202110 HashTable性能测试(CK/phmap/ska)
- 202109 Top-down Microarchitecture Analysis Method 分析CPU性能方法
- 202109 Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo
- 202109 Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom @ 2014
- 202109 The 64 bit x86 C Calling Convention
- 202109 Efficient Query Processing with Optimistically Compressed Hash Tables & Strings in the USSR @ 2020
- 202109 Graphics Programming Black Book by Michael Abrash
- 202109 Zen of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash
- 202109 各种HashMap的性能对比
- 202108 Three fundamental flaws of SIMD
- 202108 Druid: A Real-time Analytical Data Store @ 2014
- 202108 The Secrets of ClickHouse Performance Optimizations
- 202108 Benefitting Power and Performance Sleep Loops @ 2015 优化自旋锁
- 202108 A Scalable Concurrent malloc(3) Implementation for FreeBSD jemalloc
- 202108 Low-Latency Compilation of SQL Queries to Machine Code
- 202108 快速平方根倒数(talk pdf)
- 202108 Clojure的外部性表现
- 202108 设计良好的非加密Hash函数
- 202108 计算整数长度
- 202108 The Next Phase of Cloud Computing @ 2021
- 202108 Compilation in the Microsoft SQL Server Hekaton Engine @ 2014
- 202108 Using Block Prefetch for Optimized Memory Performance @ AMD 2001
- 202108 On the Impact of Memory Allocation on High-Performance Query Processing @ 2019
- 202107 The Vertica Analytic Database: C-Store 7 Years Later
- 202107 Piccolo: Building Fast, Distributed Programs with Partitioned Tables @ 2010
- 202106 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Compiled and Vectorized Queries But Were Afraid to Ask @ 2018
- 202106 Column-Stores vs. Row-Stores: How Different Are They Really? 2008
- 202106 Integrating Compression and Execution in Column-Oriented Database Systems @ 2006
- 202106 C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS @ 2005
- 202106 两个ascii字符串中相同字符数量
- 202106 Voltnisky字符串搜索算法
- 202106 Cache-, Hash- and Space-Efficient Bloom Filters
- 202106 Notes on Programming by Alexander Stepanov
- 202106 CMU DB: Database Logging & Crash Recovery
- 202106 有效地进行bit-unpacking
- 202106 关于压缩算法的选择和使用场景
- 202106 Volcano - An Extensible and Parallel Query Evaluation System @ 1994
- 202106 Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg (revisited) @ 2015
- 202105 Albis: High-Performance File Format for Big Data Systems @ 2018
- 202105 CMU DB Multi-Version Concurrency Control
- 202105 Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps @ 2014
- 202105 CMU DB: Concurrency Control Theory
- 202105 Orca: A Modular Query Optimizer Architecture for Big Data @ 2014
- 202105 Automated Locality Optimization Based on the Reuse Distance of String Operations @ 2011
- 202105 Push vs. Pull-Based Loop Fusion in Query Engines @ 2016
- 202105 观察Memory Ordering效果
- 202104 Morsel-Driven Parallelism: A NUMA-Aware Query Evaluation Framework for the Many-Core Age @ 2014
- 202104 fast memcpy/memcmp中的SIMD
- 202104 CMUDB: Sort + Agg + Join
- 202104 int64数组转为int8数组的矢量化方式
- 202104 CMU DB: Index Concurrency Control
- 202104 CMU DB: Tree Indexes
- 202104 CMU DB: Hash Index
- 202104 DDB入职当天
- 202104 C语言switch表格跳转的汇编实现
- 202104 GCC-10.3.0优化器在处理类型强转时的bug
- 202104 快速平方根倒数(Fast Inverse Square Root)
- 202104 CMU DB: Buffer Pools
- 202103 CMU DB: Query Planning
- 202103 CMU DB: Database Storage
- 202103 CMU DB: Query Processing
- 202103 Scaling Memcache at Facebook by Facebook @ 2013
- 202103 Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing @ 2012
- 202103 Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System 比特币论文
- 202103 Spark SQL: Relational Data Processing in Spark by Databricks @ 2015
- 202103 Impala: A Modern, Open-Source SQL Engine for Hadoop @ 2015
- 202103 Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets @ 2010
- 202103 There’s plenty of room at the Top: What will drive computer performance after Moore’s law? @ 2020
- 202103 《不可能的技艺》4:超人怎样学 by 《精英日课》 万维钢
- 202103 Procella: Unifying serving and analytical data at YouTube by Google @ 2019
- 202103 Kudu: Storage for Fast Analytics on Fast Data @ 2015
- 202103 Mesa: Geo-Replicated, Near Real-Time, Scalable Data Warehousing by Google @ 2014
- 202102 搜索引擎很强大,还需要自己思考答案吗? by 吴军《硅谷来信》
- 202103 杨樾老师的育儿直播
- 202102 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
- 202102 投资中最简单的事 by 邱国鹭
- 202102 Performance Analysis and Tuning on Modern CPUs
- 202102 Doris Hash Index 分析
- 202102 出卖了我的灵魂,换得了学生贷款
- 202102 SIMD代码片段分析
- 202101 代码之美(Beautiful Code) by Grey Wilson
- 202101 近期《精英日课》的几篇文章 关于苦,上瘾,代孕
- 202101 几个PopCount的实现
- 202101 Optimizing software in C++ by Agner Fog
- 202101 矩阵转置的cache分析
- 202101 不要在一点停留太久(关于交流,优化和挑战)
- 202101 百年孤独(Cien años de soledad) 加西亚马尔克斯 / 范晔
- 202101 Certificate Transparency 证书透明
- 202101 Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database @ 2012
- 202101 Don’t Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS @ 2011
- 202101 错误的自我评价
- 202101 短期主义者和长期主义者 万维刚《精英日课》
- 202101 战胜一切市场的人(A Man for All Markest) 爱德华夏普自传
- 202101 从跑步想到生活
- 202101 微软中国入职当天
- 202101 为什么新闻没有好消息? 《精英日课》
- 202101 “想要”还是“喜欢”:什么是上瘾 《精英日课》
- 202101 “苦”没有价值 《精英日课》
- 202101 代孕的伦理:我们担心的到底是什么? 《精英日课》
6. 2020
- 202012 从国内亚马逊离职
- 202012 MSR FaRM: distributed transactions with consistency, availability, and performance @ 2015
- 202012 Amazon Aurora: Design Considerations for High Throughput Cloud-Native Relational Databases @ 2017
- 202012 Writing a simple os from scratch 看了个大概没有上手
- 202012 刷新(Hit Refresh)
- 202012 只有偏执狂才能生存 如何利用战略转折点(Crisis Points)
- 202012 若为自由故(Free as in Freedom) RMS自传
- 202012 香农传(A Mind at Play)
- 202012 当我谈跑步时我谈些什么 by 村上春树
- 202012 经济学的思维方式(Basic Economics : A Common Sense Guide to the Economy) by 托马斯索维尔
- 202012 我编程,我快乐(The Passionate Programmer) by Chad Fowler
- 202012 程序员的自我修养 by 陈逸鹤
- 202011 曾国藩的六戒!
- 202011 咨询行业和Best Practice
- 202011 爱,金钱和孩子(Love, Money, and Parenting)
- 202011 上瘾五百年(Forces of Habit) by 戴维·考特莱特
- 202011 数学家妙谈股市(A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market) by John Allen Paulos
- 202010 NoSQL数据库笔谈
- 202010 SRE Google运维解密(SRE: How Google Runs Production Systems)
- 202010 策略思维(Thinking Strategically) by 迪克西特,奈尔伯夫
- 202010 系统性能:企业与云计算(Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud)
- 202010 The Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse @ 2016
- 202010 Frangipani: A Scalable Distributed File System @ 1997
- 202010 Linearizability versus Serializability
- 202009 Object Storage on CRAQ @ 2009
- 202009 Reinventing virtualization with the AWS Nitro System 用Nirto系统来改进EC2虚拟化
- 202009 The Google File System @ 2003
- 202009 MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters @ 2004j
- 202009 ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems @ 2010
- 202009 Raft(A consensus algorithm)
- 202009 一小段关于linearizability的解释 from MIT 6.824
- 202008 The Design of a Practical System for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Machines @ 2010 支持容错的虚拟机(VMWare)
- 202007 40 Tips that will change your coding skills forever
- 202006 禅与摩托车维修艺术(Zen and the Arts of Motorcycle Maintenance) by Robert Pirsig
- 202006 程序员健康指南(The Healthy Programmer) by Joe Kutner
- 202006 人月神话(The Mythical Man-Month) by Fred Brooks
- 202006 PLAI笔记 Programming Langauge Application and Interpretation
- 202006 设计模式Head First
- 202006 Spring实战第三版
- 202006 二分图最大匹配算法 aka. 匈牙利算法
- 202006 欧拉定理和费马小定理
- 202005 硅谷王川电子书第一卷 by 硅谷王川
- 202004 Braifuck的JIT编译器
- 202004 计算三角形面积 经典算法
- 202003 华容道/滑块问题算法改进 使用A*算法 经典算法
- 202003 把树装进数组里面 数据结构
- 202003 Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm 如何选择序列中majority的元素
- 202003 项目解析
- 202002 rolling hashsh的两种实现
- 202002 使用扩展欧几里得算法求解整数二元一次不定方程 经典算法
- 202002 来自eval/apply的启发
- 202002 解决问题和学习底层知识的平衡
- 202002 学习历史的一种方法
- 202001 A Guide to Making Your Science Matter
- 202001 一种更好的学习数学的方式
- 202001 正则表达式的Python实现
- 202001 泊松分布和指数分布的关系
- 202001 LZW算法的Python实现
- 202001 随机数的随机性 问题来自 云风的 BLOG: 随机数有多随机?
- 202001 错排问题(derangement) 问题来自 云风的 BLOG: 会抽到自己的那张吗?
- 202001 序列化和设计权衡 摘自 ZeroMQ Guide
- 202001 Throttle的Python实现 (aka. rate-limiter)
- 202001 10 连抽保底的概率模型 问题来自 云风的 BLOG: 10 连抽保底的概率模型
- 202001 各个击破,取众家之精华
7. 2019
- 201912 XOR双向链表
- 201912 健康还是第一位的(记二宝的满月住院)
- 201912 内存分配之伙伴系统
- 201912 宝宝出生了2
- 201911 非规格浮点数带来的性能下降 and 一个有趣的实验,用0.1f替换0,性能提升7倍
- 201911 socket的端口范围和链接数量限制
- 201911 乘法,除法,开方的简单实现
- 201911 Java语言设计好的一面
- 201910 TK(tombkeeper)谈个人成长
- 201910 你尽力了吗?
- 201909 prolog for fun
- 201909 软件的真实质量 by Joel Spolsky
- 201909 How To Build Good Software by Li HongYi 李鸿毅,李显龙的儿子
- 201909 Career Path(职业规划的迷思) by nullgate
- 201908 gunicorn spawn worker exception
- 201908 As a software engineer, why did you receive a promotion?
- 201907 Lua Application Programming
- 201907 MCTS精简版代码
- 201907 A*算法寻求最短路 经典算法
- 201907 生成迷宫图
- 201907 alpha-beta剪枝技术 经典算法
- 201907 简单的treap 数据结构
- 201907 伸展树(splay tree)的可视化 数据结构
- 201907 拓扑排序和强连通分量 经典算法
- 201907 图的各种边和割点计算 经典算法
- 201907 Redis跳表(skip list)实现 数据结构
- 201907 利用Ford-Fulkerson算法求解网络流问题 经典算法
- 201907 Ten Years of Erlang
- 201907 Things You Should Never Do, Part I by Joel Spolsky
- 201907 iPhone + Charles(on Mac)的HTTP代理问题
- 201907 Why Lisp Failed
- 201907 Google's Secret and Linear Algebra
- 201907 The Law of Leaky Abstractions 抽象泄露法则 by Joel Spolsky
- 201906 Statistics for Hackers
- 201906 Church Counter(邱奇计数)
- 201906 田春(冰河)日记节选
- 201906 Alleged RC4
- 201906 A page about call/cc
- 201906 盖茨是这样培养的
- 201905 Bayesian Methods for Hackers
- 201905 Python线程安全的抱怨
- 201905 12个软件工程经典错误
- 201905 JavaScript原型链测试代码
- 201905 JavaScript语言精粹
- 201905 Joe Duffy's Software Leadership Series
- 201905 凯恩斯大战哈耶克
- 201905 Codehaus宣言
- 201905 nginx正确的logrotate配置
- 201905 法国阿尔斯通高管皮耶鲁齐写的《美国陷阱》
- 201904 比特币挖矿的泊松分布问题(指数分布)
- 201904 图片解压缩炸弹问题(image decompression bomb)
- 201904 Polyplot Persistence 混合使用各种存储系统
- 201903 我当时认为治霾这事很简单,结果走一走发现不对劲,然后恍然大悟 | 陶光远 一席第###位讲者
- 201903 StranglerApplication 扼杀者应用(如何有效安全地替换掉老的应用)
- 201903 Instagram Under the Hood
- 201903 在AWS EC2上启动Sentry
- 201902 春节逛圈故宫
- 201901 Instagram Engineering’s 3 rules to a scalable cloud application architecture
8. 2018
- 201812 形而上下的定义
- 201812 nginx日志解析器优化
- 201811 Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself
- 201811 {Ask HN}What's the largest amount of bad code you have ever seen work?
- 201811 Interview with Gmail Creator Paul Buchheit
- 201811 The economics of getting hired as a data scientist
- 201811 Keras之父写给年轻程序员的33条忠告
- 201810 Writing system software: code comments
- 201810 GitHub Flow
- 201810 Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained
- 201810 What's a senior engineer's job?
- 201810 深度好文:混在县城
- 201810 Avoiding burnout: lessons learned from a 19th century philosopher
- 201810 去大公司的各种考虑
- 201810 Find LCA using RMQ
- 201810 数独程序求解(Sudoku) 经典算法
- 201809 学会示弱 - 职场和做人的道理
- 201809 求解RMQ的线段树实现 数据结构
- 201809 华容道程序求解 (klotski / sliding-puzzle)
- 201809 配置TopCoder环境
- 201809 业余做研究的经验 by 田渊栋
- 201809 如何学习理工科 by 田渊栋
- 201808 Etsy Activity Feeds Architecture
- 201808 Protobuf Encoding Protobuf编码方式
- 201808 YouTube Scalability on youtube
- 201808 SIT / Boost your tech career
- 201808 [职场感言] [周末码字时间]审简历得到的一点成长小心得
- 201807 如何进行算法设计面试 in Hired in Tech
- 201807 如何进行系统设计面试 in Hired in Tech
- 201807 语言检测和编码检测 一种利用语言检测来做编码检测的可能方法
- 201807 Amazon DynamoDB All Things Distributed
- 201807 5 Lessons We’ve Learned Using AWS Netflix TechBlog
- 201807 How to write a good software design doc
- 201807 oh, I’ve seen this idea before 如何回答这个问题
- 201806 aws region code
- 201806 香港的未来-江南愤青
- 201806 Binary Indexed Tree(Fenwick Tree) 数据结构
- 201806 面试心理技巧(Psychological Tricks)
- 201805 为运行而生的代码
- 201805 An Impact Guide for Engineers 工程师影响力指南
- 201805 在Linux上配置CUDA环境
- 201805 scipy几种稀疏矩阵表示
- 201805 西藏(林芝-波密-拉萨)游记
- 201805 精英日课解读《利益悠关》 摘自得到的《精英日课》
- 201805 寻常问题的精英解法-如何学习 摘自得到的《精英日课》
- 201805 计算机领域大人物:艾伦·图灵牛在哪? 摘自得到的《硅谷来信》
- 201805 为什么学习历史 摘自得到的《硅谷来信》
- 201804 ssh proxycommand on ssr
- 201804 搭建ELK + Beat(用于日志收集和指标收集)
- 201803 nginx的https重定向循环问题
- 201803 What habits make a programmer great? about meta-habit
- 201803 How to build your own AlphaZero AI using Python and Keras
- 201803 On Being A Senior Engineer
- 201803 How The Economic Machine Works By Ray Dalio 经济机器是如何运行的
- 201802 你在哪一刻体验到了真正的贫富差距? 摘自知乎回答
- 201802 Python 的低性能问题是无法忽视的
- 201802 管理其实是个工程学 摘自得到的《精英日课》
- 201801 WebSocket和Socket.IO
- 201801 量子计算机初探
- 201801 微信跳一跳的自动化
- 201801 Python Requests库编码问题
- 201801 Minimal WSGI App in Pyton
- 201801 Reading Excel in Python
- 201801 Find 10 digits prime in consecutive digits of e
- 201801 26 Lessons From Being a Developer at a Startup
9. 2017
- 201712 Scaling the GitLab Database
- 201712 Geoffrey Hinton Interview in Coursera
- 201712 市井雄心 Cities and Ambition by Paul Graham
- 201712 How to Read Mathematics
- 201712 查找TCP端口被哪个进程占用
- 201712 shadowsocksr + kcptun
- 201712 搭建一个可用的DNS (dnsmasq + ss)
- 201712 The Language of the System by Rich Hickey
- 201712 Love Your Bugs
- 201712 Code in Space 太空系统环境下的编程
- 201712 Timeline at Scale in Twitter by Raffi Krikorian
- 201712 Simple Made Easy by Rich Hickey
- 201712 Probability Paradox by Norvig Norvig写的一篇关于概率和悖论文章
- 201712 等额本金和等额本息的计算
- 201712 Nobody ever got fired for buying a cluster 计算集群的必要性思考 @ 2013
- 201712 流媒体基础知识(sonos)
- 201711 Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
- 201711 解放生产力的工具
- 201711 Software 2.0 by Andrej Karpathy
- 201711 Getting Real About Distributed System Reliability
- 201711 PyPy实现方式
- 201710 现实生活中的负反馈
- 201710 一些MongoDB的实践建议
- 201710 升级到MongoDB 3.4出现的性能问题
- 201710 在Mac下面制作USB启动盘
- 201709 补丁式的软件开发方法
- 201709 How to build your personal brand as a new developer
- 201709 Narrow Python Build
- 201709 语言文字反应你的潜意识
- 201708 朋友,益友,狐朋狗友
- 201708 痛苦,思考,改变
- 201708 珍惜空余时间
- 201708 搭建一个小网站基本费用估算
- 201708 The Feynman Technique: The Best Way to Learn Anything
- 201707 Scaling to Billions on Top of DigitalOcean
- 201707 Search at Slack Slack在搜索排序方面的工作
- 201707 Why Did So Many Startups Choose NoSQL?
- 201707 MacOS X Rootless Mode
- 201707 能做什么和该做什么
- 201707 Reducing Image File Size at Etsy
- 201707 Making Photos Smaller Without Quality Loss
- 201707 HTTP流媒体的代理实现
- 201707 SSH Permission Denied(Public Key)
- 201706 The Evolution of Code Deploys at Reddit
- 201706 Python程序性能分析
- 201706 44 engineering management lessons
- 201706 用Emacs Org-Mode来建站
- 201705 What to do when Your Colleague Creates Spaghetti Code
- 201705 How Yelp Runs Millions of Tests Every Day
- 201705 SSH Tunneling in Python
- 201705 Retry-After字段带来的问题
- 201705 职场上的四个误区和四个破法 摘自得到的《硅谷来信》
- 201705 利用WiFi热点来定位
- 201704 U of T, Geoffrey Hinton 一篇关于Geoffrey Hiton的文章
- 201704 Scaling your API with rate limiters
- 201704 在老家的几天
- 201703 Software Engineering at Google by Fergus Henderson
- 201703 推荐系统的可能实现
- 201703 实事求是谈金融报告自动化 – 文因互联
- 201702 通过TCP BBR为ShadowSocks加速
- 201702 VPN的智能加速原理
- 201702 创业/小公司的优点和缺点
- 201702 被放弃的概率权
- 201701 Boots of Spanish Leather by Bob Dylan
- 201701 Is there a simple algorithm for intelligence? By Michael Nielsen
- 201701 On the future of neural networks By Michael Nielsen
- 201701 On stories in neural networks By Michael Nielsen
10. 2016
- 201612 dlib's face landmark detection
- 201612 Tensorflow Neural Art
- 201610 The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
- 201610 The Effective Engineer
- 201610 Taking PHP Seriously
- 201610 Becoming CTO
- 201610 在RapidSSL上购买SSL证书
- 201610 Vinod Khosla: Failure does not matter. Success matters.
- 201610 Silicon Valley Etiquette 硅谷礼仪
- 201610 成都天府之旅
- 201609 MXNet Neural Art
- 201609 A Little Architecture
- 201609 Laws of Performant Software
- 201608 关于工作,人生,以及最近做的梦
- 201608 The Future of Programming by Bret Victor
- 201608 What Makes A Great Software Engineer?
- 201607 Life is just a Moment
- 201606 只剩美国:我们眼睁睁看着末日的降临
- 201606 Top 10 Things that Makes You a Good Programmer
- 201606 "I know how to program, but I don't know what to program"
- 201606 How to Pick Your Battles on a Software Team
- 201606 为什么MIT停止教授SICP
- 201606 軟體工程師的創業陷阱-接案
- 201606 Facebook NewsFeed
- 201606 Getting Things Done When You're Only a Grunt by Joel Spolsky
- 201606 10 Lessons from 10 Years of Amazon Web Services
- 201606 Religulous by Bill Maher
- 201606 How_the_Great_Firewall_discovers_hidden_circumvention_servers GFW如何发现代理服务器
- 201606 心中的邪火 关于自己的心态失衡
- 201606 Anacoda High Performance Solution
- 201605 Facebook公司内部PPT分享:如何高效工作
- 201605 关于工作年限和管理的问题 by nullgate
- 201605 个人开发者接私活的要点
- 201605 要与野心人为伍
- 201605 专访荔枝fm技术团队
- 201605 用VC的方法炒股票
- 201605 傲慢与偏见之 - 谷歌中国逆袭史
- 201605 环境于个人的影响
- 201605 参观Google北京
- 201604 Facebook上最近传开了一组漫画,深深戳中咱中国家庭的痛点 (学会做一个合格的父母)
- 201604 用squid做http/https正向代理
- 201604 Why I work remotely (hint: it has nothing to do with productivity).
- 201604 Starters and Maintainers
- 201604 Automate to save mental energy, not time
- 201604 Surviving meetings while remote
- 201604 Programmers are distraction for your startup
- 201604 Finding Great Developers
- 201604 Why Can't Programmers.. Program?
- 201604 Don't Call Yourself A Programmer
- 201604 Data Infrastructure at Airbnb
- 201604 Atlassian $5.5b user onboarding magic
- 201604 Authority & Merit
- 201604 nginx正向代理
- 201603 纯水,软水,净水
- 201603 nginx站点跳转
- 201603 aws ec2的几种实例
- 201603 mac根证书信任
- 201603 python universal feed parser
- 201603 Python Gzip Input Stream 实现
- 201602 关于AB Test使用和实现的猜测
- 201602 推荐系统讨论
- 201602 开四十年咖啡店是种什么样的体验
- 201602 build nginx from source on ubuntu
- 201602 大数据应该是…
- 201602 7 Links To Convince You That Big Data Isn't Your Problem
- 201601 冷静下来避免犯错
11. 2015
- 201512 Michael Stonebraker Presentation
- 201512 How To Launch a Mac App and Become #1 Top Paid App Globally
- 201512 What would it take to prove me wrong?
- 201512 A great developer can come from anywhere
- 201512 Employee Equity Sam Altman关于员工期权的文章.
- 201512 Before you code, write.
- 201512 Remove the stress, pick a deadline
- 201512 The Secret to Career Success
- 201512 The Scientist
- 201511 石墨烯教父: 从千年博后到物理诺奖的心路历程
- 201511 Why I stopped paying attention to industry news
- 201510 Learn to stop using shiny new things and love MySQL
- 201510 Climbing The Wrong Hill
- 201510 Lessons learned writing highly available code
- 201510 Ten Rules for Open Source Success
- 201510 Competitors Are Not The Enemy
- 201510 Making money along the way
- 201510 简单生词本的实现
- 201510 chasing the shiny and new (追逐时髦的技术)
- 201510 Why Continuous Deployment just keeps on giving
- 201510 Aaron Swartz: How to Get a Job Like Mine
- 201510 A Decade at Google
- 201510 切换到印象笔记-NO!
- 201509 OSTEP / Persistence-File
- 201509 OSTEP / Persistence-Disk
- 201509 OSTEP / Concurrency-CV
- 201509 OSTEP / Concurrency-Lock
- 201509 hive getting started
- 201509 zookeeper getting started
- 201509 OSTEP / Virt-VAX/VMS
- 201509 OSTEP / Virt-页式系统
- 201509 OSTEP / Virt-段式系统
- 201509 OSTEP / Virt-CPU
- 201509 OSTEP / Readings
- 201509 A Love for Legacy
- 201509 Availability vs. Durability
- 201509 2PC vs. Paxos
- 201509 中心极限定理
- 201509 What Happens to Older Developers?
- 201509 Tips for work-life balance
- 201509 start from simple
- 201508 其实你知道的非常少 (想不通就多看书,看不懂就再想想)
- 201507 宝宝出生了
- 201505 装配SSD
- 201504 Kaggle Facial Keypoints Detection
- 201504 Kaggle Digit Recognizer
- 201504 life is not easy but magical
- 201503 如何做cross validation
- 201503 Kaggle Bike Sharing Demand
- 201503 分配工作时间的准则
- 201502 选用什么方法做baseline
- 201502 2015年初家庭大扫除
- 201502 有空多干点家务活
- 201502 Peter Thiel 谈竞争沉迷
- 201502 Telstra Billboard
12. B.C.
- 201412 The Golden Circle
- 201412 DNA测序原理
- 201412 苦旅的起点
- 201410 我的iPhone5S
- 201409 赫尔辛基印象2
- 201408 济州岛之旅
- 201407 厦门鼓浪屿印象
- 201404 旧金山印象
- 201403 赫尔辛基印象
- 201403 申请美国签证
- 201402 申请芬兰签证
- 201402 招商银行香港一卡通
- 201401 与Nenad面对面
- 201312 "哪里还有时间去沮丧"
- 201312 主页千次PV
- 201311 分居和流产
- 201311 非业余的业余爱好
- 201311 初次英语对话
- 201310 初次艾灸
- 201310 简单搭建WordPress
- 201309 初次10km跑
- 201308 初次游泳
- 201307 桂林山水甲天下
- 201307 去圆明园走走
- 201307 我的夏新N821
- 201306 急得蛋碎了也没有用
- 201306 做CTO都是出去过的
- 201306 看dyy去深圳
- 201305 小心开车
- 201303 微软面试 系列2
- 201302 没有妻子的婚礼
- 201211 没有那么简单
- 201211 初次足疗
- 201209 以后老了我能做什么
- 201208 如何定义软件稳定
- 201208 购买MacBookAir
- 201208 记在2012年生日
- 201207 参观天津机房
- 201205 和xcq看房子
- 201204 和luoyan的谈话
- 201204 切换回windows
- 201203 折腾Ubuntu
- 201203 杭州印象
- 201202 领证经历
- 201112 婚纱摄影
- 201112 如何申请域名
- 201112 学车经历
- 201108 购买钻戒
- 201105 百度BIT上海行
- 201003 记研究生答辩
- 200903 购买compqa笔记本
- 200609 新时代的卡马克