
(22) The 2 Most Important Skills For the Rest Of Your Life | Yuval Noah Harari on Impact Theory - YouTube(

Emotional Intelligence & Mental balance




  1. shuffle数据不落地
  2. 流式任务执行而不是按stage级别执行
  3. split为线程级别的调度
  4. 数据源插件化

这使Presto 特别适合交互式跨源数据查询,Presto也并不是完美的,比如因为其流式pipeline执行方式的设计,使其丧失了task级别的recovery机制,所以Presto目前不是特别适合用来做大规模的ETL查询,当然目前社区也在通过对presto进行各种优化来使其适应更大规模的查询,比如Presto Ulimited和Presto on Spark项目。

Productivity - Sam Altman — 生产力 - Sam Altman(

The most impressive people I know have strong beliefs about the world, which is rare in the general population. If you find yourself always agreeing with whomever you last spoke with, that’s bad. You will of course be wrong sometimes, but develop the confidence to stick with your convictions. It will let you be courageous when you’re right about something important that most people don’t see.


I’ve learned that I can’t be very productive working on things I don’t care about or don’t like. So I just try not to put myself in a position where I have to do them (by delegating, avoiding, or something else). Stuff that you don’t like is a painful drag on morale and momentum.


By the way, here is an important lesson about delegation: remember that everyone else is also most productive when they’re doing what they like, and do what you’d want other people to do for you—try to figure out who likes (and is good at) doing what, and delegate that way.

顺便说一句,这是关于授权的一个重要教训:请记住,其他人在做自己喜欢做的​​事情时也是最有生产力的,并且做你希望其他人为你做的事情 - 尝试找出谁喜欢(并擅长)做什么,并以这种方式委派。

Doing great work usually requires colleagues of some sort. Try to be around smart, productive, happy, and positive people that don’t belittle your ambitions. I love being around people who push me and inspire me to be better. To the degree you able to, avoid the opposite kind of people—the cost of letting them take up your mental cycles is horrific.


You have to both pick the right problem and do the work. There aren’t many shortcuts. If you’re going to do something really important, you are very likely going to work both smart and hard. The biggest prizes are heavily competed for. This isn’t true in every field (there are great mathematicians who never spend that many hours a week working) but it is in most.


Don’t neglect your family and friends for the sake of productivity—that’s a very stupid tradeoff (and very likely a net productivity loss, because you’ll be less happy). Don’t neglect doing things you love or that clear your head either.


Finally, to repeat one more time: productivity in the wrong direction isn’t worth anything at all. Think more about what to work on.


Hard Startups - Sam Altman — 艰难的创业公司——山姆·奥尔特曼(

Easy startups are easy to start but hard to make successful. The most precious commodity in the startup ecosystem right now is talented people, and for the most part talented people want to work on something they find meaningful.


Few recruiting messages are as powerful (when true) as “the world needs this, it won’t happen any time soon if we don’t do it, and we are much less likely to succeed if you don’t join.”


An easy startup is a headwind; a hard startup is a tailwind. If people care about your success because you seem committed to doing something significant, it’s a background force helping you with hiring, advice, partnerships, fundraising, etc.


Part of the magic of Silicon Valley is that people default to taking you seriously if you’re willing to be serious—they’ve learned it’s a very expensive mistake, in aggregate, not to. If you want to start a company working on a better way to build homes, gene editing, artificial general intelligence, a new education system, or carbon sequestration, you may actually be able to get it funded, even if you don’t have a degree or much experience.


Idea Generation - Sam Altman — 创意生成 - 山姆·奥尔特曼(

It’s important to be in the right kind of environment, and around the right kind of people. You want to be around people who have a good feel for the future, will entertain improbable plans, are optimistic, are smart in a creative way, and have a very high idea flux. These sorts of people tend to think without the constraints most people have, not have a lot of filters, and not care too much what other people think.


The best ideas are fragile; most people don’t even start talking about them at all because they sound silly. Perhaps most of all, you want to be around people who don’t make you feel stupid for mentioning a bad idea, and who certainly never feel stupid for doing so themselves.


PG and Jessica - Sam Altman — PG 和杰西卡 - 山姆·奥尔特曼(

What did they do? They took bets on unknown people and believed in them more than anyone had before. They set strong norms and fought back hard against bad behavior towards YC founders. They trusted their own convictions, were willing to do things their way, and were willing to be disliked by the existing power structures. They focused on the most important things, they worked hard, and they spent a huge amount of time 1:1 with people. They understood the value of community and long-term orientation. When YC was very small, it felt like a family.

他们做了什么?他们把赌注押在了未知的人身上,并且比以前任何人都更加相信他们。他们制定了强有力的规范,并严厉反击针对 YC 创始人的不良行为。他们相信自己的信念,愿意按照自己的方式做事,并且愿意被现有的权力结构所讨厌。他们专注于最重要的事情,他们努力工作,并且花费了大量的时间与人们进行一对一的交流。他们了解社区的价值和长期定位。当 YC 很小的时候,感觉就像一个家庭。

The Strength of Being Misunderstood - Sam Altman — 被误解的力量——萨姆·奥尔特曼(

The most impressive people I know care a lot about what people think, even people whose opinions they really shouldn’t value (a surprising numbers of them do something like keeping a folder of screenshots of tweets from haters). But what makes them unusual is that they generally care about other people’s opinions on a very long time horizon—as long as the history books get it right, they take some pride in letting the newspapers get it wrong.


You should trade being short-term low-status for being long-term high-status, which most people seem unwilling to do. A common way this happens is by eventually being right about an important but deeply non-consensus bet. But there are lots of other ways–the key observation is that as long as you are right, being misunderstood by most people is a strength not a weakness. You and a small group of rebels get the space to solve an important problem that might otherwise not get solved.


Yuval Noah Harari: Human Nature, Intelligence, Power, and Conspiracies | Lex Fridman Podcast #390 - YouTube(

感觉赫拉利思想还是深刻的。里面谈到了智能和意识,痛苦, 希特勒,警惕对纳粹和法西斯主义的痛恨(痛恨意味着自己的优越性)

人类合作的基础是基于故事,小说,和想象力,都是虚构出来的东西。这也是为什么good story teller这么重要,智人比其他种类更早进化就是这个原因,现代更是如此。金钱和宗教是人类历史上两个最大最成功的故事。


共产主义和法西斯主义非常类似,法西斯主义强调国家利益, 共产主义强调阶级利益(proletariat). 个人是没有自由的,所有的东西(艺术,真理,道德)都是为了国家和阶级利益服务的。

自由主义是他们的对立面。自由主义认为人会犯错误(falliable), 所以需要各种制衡(check-and-balance). 而在共产和法西斯主义里面,阶级和国家是永远不会犯错误的(infalliable), 不需要任何制衡手段。

In politics, all problems have solutions, if you have motivations. 政治问题上,只要有动机,任何问题都可以解决。we can not compromise on eternity or god. 巴勒斯坦和以色列无法在永恒和上帝这个问题上妥协,他们之间没有动机,所以没有办法解决冲突。


Our best qualities are non-verbal. Again, they come from things like compassion, from introspection, and introspection from my experience is not verbal. If you try to understand yourself with words, you will never succeed. There is a place where you need the words, but the deepest insights, they don't come from words. And you can't write about it. But that's, again, it goes back to Wittgenstein, to Buddha, to so many of these sages before, that these are the things we are silent about. - Yeah. But eventually you have to project it, as a writer, you have to do the silent introspection, but projected onto a page. - Yes. But you still have to warn people. You will never find the deepest truth in a book.


the way to peace is through boredom.

That what life is. If you ask what is the meaning of life in a more kind of philosophical or spiritual question, the real question to ask what kind of answer do you expect? Most people expect a story. And that's always the wrong answer. Most people expect that the answer to the question that what is the meaning of life will be a story, like a big drama, that this is the plot line and this is your role in the story. This is what you have to do. This is your line in the big play. You say your line, you do your thing… That's the story. And this is human imagination. This is fantasy. To really understand life, life is not a story. The universe does not function like a story. So I think to really understand life, you need to observe it directly in a nonverbal way. Don't turn it into a story. And the question to start with is what is suffering? What is causing suffering? You know, the question, what is the meaning of life? It'll take you to fantasies and delusions. We want to stay with the reality of life. And the most important question about the reality of life is what is suffering and where is it coming from? (生活的意义并不是一个故事,是去感受事物,感受自己。第一个问题就是,感受痛苦,痛苦从哪里来?不要用语言去解释,否则又在创造一个故事)


ps: 感觉他说话的方式非常吸引人,有点想C罗的说法方式。

黄东旭:我对数据库如何Serverless 化的一些思考(

对于关系型数据库市场来说,OLTP 仍然是主流, OLAP 最重要的是弹性和低成本(其实并非性能)。另外一个容易被忽略的场景是轻量的 data transformation(一个好的例子是 dbt),频繁在不同的数据服务商之间移动数据并不是好体验。 大量冷数据、少量热数据,但是常常没有办法很清楚地划分冷热边界(就像你不能突然阻止我在 3 年前的朋友圈上回复某个对话一样)。

在云上,一切资源都是需要付费的,而且不同的服务定价差别巨大,对比一下 S3 / RDS / DynamoDB 的定价即可看到很大的区别,而且相比服务费用和存储成本, 大家很容易忽略流量的费用(有时候你看账单会发现其实比起存储成本,流量会是更大的开销)。节省成本有几个关键:

聊聊英国首富 |Dyson的故事 - YouTube(


公視演講廳:讓改變看得見 張忠謀 - YouTube(



Jen-Hsun Huang: Stanford student and Entrepreneur, co-founder and CEO of NVIDIA - YouTube(


"Jack of all trades, master of none" 是一个常见的英语俚语,意思是指某人多才多艺,但没有特别突出的专长或者技能。这个短语经常用来形容那些能够应付多种各样的任务,但是没有在某一个领域或者技能上达到高超水平的人。

如何看待哈佛招生案的审判,如何看待教育平权?|哈佛大学|种族|非洲裔|亚裔|平权法案|公平|王局拍案20230705 - YouTube(


Understanding Cost Models — 了解成本模型(


When I first learned that Oracle allows users to revert the behaviour of their query planner to ~any earlier version I was horrified. Shouldn’t we, as implementors, be striving to always make things better? I really saw this as throwing in the towel: an admission that none of us really have any idea what we’re doing here. In the time since then my opinion has shifted pretty substantially. When I learned that Spanner recently adopted this methodology as well, my reaction was “yup, makes sense.” With some time away to reflect on it, were I still at Cockroach Labs I think I’d be pushing for that same change to be made in CockroachDB in the near future*.

当我第一次得知 Oracle 允许用户将其查询规划器的行为恢复到任何早期版本时,我感到震惊。作为实施者,我们难道不应该努力让事情变得更好吗?我真的认为这是认输:承认我们没有人真正知道我们在这里做什么。从那时起,我的观点发生了很大的变化。当我得知 Spanner 最近也采用了这种方法时,我的反应是“是的,有道理”。如果我还有时间思考一下,如果我还在 Cockroach Labs,我想我会在不久的将来推动 CockroachDB 做出同样的改变*。

The reason for the shift in my mindset is twofold. 我的心态转变的原因有两个。

First, I think I’m starting to fully grasp the complexity we’re wrangling here. It’s easy to argue that we could build a simpler cost model that doesn’t defy human understanding, and that’s true! But I promise you that when your simpler cost model hits customer workloads there will be a reckoning in one direction or another. We could also throw in the towel in the other direction: if this problem is so intractable, why are we building these massive jenga towers of estimations? I think that’s a reasonable position to take too, though it’s one I’ve argued against in the past. 首先,我想我开始完全理解我们在这里争论的复杂性。人们很容易认为我们可以建立一个更简单的成本模型,并且不会违背人类的理解,这是事实!但我向您保证,当您的更简单的成本模型满足客户工作负载时,将会向一个方向或另一个方向进行计算。我们也可以从另一个方向认输:如果这个问题如此棘手,我们为什么要建造这些巨大的叠叠乐塔?我认为这也是一个合理的立场,尽管我过去曾反对过这一立场。

Second is the assymmetry present in the planner’s relationship with customers. None of your customers are going to call you up and offer you more money because the new version of your software ran their query 15% faster, but they will complain if your change made their query even a hair slower. This creates a tendency to fear change: if a change to the planner causes 99% of affected queries to run incrementally faster and 1% to incrementally slow down, that’s a bad change, and if I’m the one bashing on the keyboard to bring it about, the absolute best outcome is that nobody complains. But this kind of incremental change, over time, is how you make a planner robust, and how you slowly dig it out of local maxima. Basically, you have to be able to make Pareto-inefficient changes, and permitting your customers to insulate themselves from those changes is how you make them safely.

其次是规划者与客户关系中存在的不对称性。您的客户不会打电话给您并为您提供更多的钱,因为您的软件的新版本运行他们的查询速度快了 15%,但如果您的更改使他们的查询速度变慢了一点点,他们就会抱怨。这就产生了一种害怕改变的倾向:如果对规划器的改变导致 99% 受影响的查询运行速度逐渐加快,而 1% 的查询运行速度逐渐减慢,那么这就是一个糟糕的改变,如果我是那个敲击键盘带来的改变对此,最好的结果绝对是没有人抱怨。但随着时间的推移,这种增量变化是让规划器变得稳健的方法,也是你如何慢慢地将其从局部最大值中挖掘出来的方法。基本上,您必须能够进行帕累托低效的更改,并且让您的客户将自己与这些更改隔离开来,这就是您安全地进行更改的方法。

Where does this leave us? I think unfortunately more-or-less at the same place we started, but hopefully a little wiser: a cost model is effectively a set of beliefs your software holds about the real-world. Sometimes they will be wrong. Or right! Or wrong in one case, and right in another. Or right today, and wrong tomorrow.


(19) 【硬核】一口气了解国债,这么一直借下去真的可以么? - YouTube(

外债违约处理方式发现就是3D: deflation(紧缩),default(违约),delay(拖延)




(19) 一口气了解银行游戏规则 中美银行体系 - YouTube(




The Product-Minded Software Engineer - The Pragmatic Engineer — 以产品为中心的软件工程师 - 务实的工程师(


Tips to become a more product-minded engineer 成为更具产品意识的工程师的秘诀

If you work on a user-facing product, here are a few tips I've seen work well, to growing your product-minded muscle.


Understand how and why your company is successful. What is the business model? How is money made? What parts are most profitable, what parts of the company are expanding the most? Why? How does your team fit into all of this?


Build a strong relationship with your product manager. Most product managers jump at the opportunity to mentor engineers. Having engineers be interested in product means they can scale themselves more. Before coming in, asking a lot of product questions, take time to build this relationship and make it clear to your product manager, that you'd like to get more involved in product topics.


Engage in user research, customer support, and other activities, where you can learn more about how the product works. Pair with designers, UX people, data scientists, operations people and others, who frequently interact with users.


Bring well-backed product suggestions to the table. After you have a good understanding of the business, the product and stakeholders: take initiative. You could bring small suggestions to a project you are working on. Or you could suggest a larger effort, outlining the engineering effort and the product effort, making this easy to prioritize in the backlog.


Offer product/engineering tradeoffs for the projects you work on. Think of not only making engineering tradeoffs for the product feature your team is building but suggest product tradeoffs that result in less engineering effort. Be open to the feedback on these from others.


Ask for frequent feedback from your product manager. Being a great product-minded engineer means you have built up good product skills, on top of your existing engineering skillset. The best person to give you feedback on how you're doing on the product skillset is your product manager. Reach out for feedback on how valuable they see your product suggestions and ask for thoughts on areas for further growth.


(18) 一口气了解英伟达,芯片新王凭什么是他? - YouTube(


PS: 这里也说了老黄犯过的一系列错误,股价回撤超过50%了好几次,但是每次都能逆势搞回来。