Instagram Engineering’s 3 rules to a scalable cloud application architecture

这篇文章不是Instagram工程团队写的,是C*团队写的,但是里面的3 rules的确值得学习。这3条规则其实很简单,但是简单的东西总是容易被人忽视和遗忘。

This decision process wasn’t standalone to their application, but Mike, their tech lead, diffused those same principles into their engineering culture. Doing so, Instagram managed to create a scalable cloud application architecture with little prior experience, amidst hyper growth by keeping true to these 3 rules.(这个决策过程并不只是针对这个应用的,Mike将这些原则融入到了他们的工程文化当中。不断地践行这3条规则,此Instagram才可以在几乎没有什么经验的情况下创建可扩展的云应用架构,同时保持快速的用户增长)