Not everyone can be the best — 不是每个人都能成为最好的(
Et tu, Zoom? — 你呢,变焦?(
This is an opportunistic squeeze, because what's most tech workers supposed to do? The option of simply hopping to another company has been severely limited. Outside the small realm of AI experts, most other domains just aren't anywhere nearly as contested in hiring as they once were. So this is happening now because it can happen now.
I just hope that people who really did enjoy that remote work-lifetyle don't forget what it was like. The balance of power will presumably turn around one day again, and when it does, voting with your feet will be an option again.
Turns out nobody cared about panel gaps — 事实证明没有人关心面板间隙(
One of the most fascinating aspects of Tesla's rise to dominance has been how they discarded many of the traditional values of car making. While the rest of the industry was stuck competing on the size of their panel gaps, and other aspects of precision and quality assembly, Tesla didn't even show up to participate. Their cars are legendary for being delivered with shoddy paint jobs, rattling interiors, and even mismatched doors. But it just didn't matter! Consumers voted with their wallets for poorly built EVs because well-built gas-powered cars were deemed irrelevant in comparison.
Tesla decided not to compete in quality assembly, and instead focus on breakthrough ideas like owning the charging infrastructure for EVs. The former is a red-ocean realm of competition against legacy car makers who've had a century to perfect their panel gaps, the latter is so blue-ocean as to appear preposterous to anyone from the gasoline past.
Figuring out what consumers truly care about is hard. Deciphering what they don't actually care about is harder still. When faced with nearly identical products in the same genre, they'll seemingly start comparing ever-more minute and subtle differences. But give them something entirely different, and suddenly half the shopping parameters go out the window.
American Equity - Sam Altman — 美国股票 - 萨姆·奥尔特曼(
Tech Workers' Values - Sam Altman — 技术工人的价值观 - Sam Altman(
As members of the community, we're interested in ways in which tech companies can use their collective power to protect privacy, rule of law, freedom of expression, and other fundamental American rights.
We’d also like to discuss how tech companies can heal the divide in our country. We believe that tech companies can create a better economic future for all Americans by spreading high-paying technology jobs around the country and other measures. We also believe tech companies have an opportunity and an obligation to reduce the polarization we've helped create.
Keep the Internet Open - Sam Altman — 保持互联网开放 - 萨姆·奥尔特曼(
Yes – in fact, the original notion about all this was to be in the same spirit as the 1936 Electrical and Telephone Federal Act which was specifically aimed at rural areas that the utilities didn't want to spend money to reach, so the fed mandated "power and phone" as a kind of universal right. This has also been a theme of the EFF. The basic impulse was also one of the drivers behind Carnegie's huge support of the free library system in the US (the whole story there is interesting, including some of the high minded stipulations in the Carnegie bequests, which I've on occasion tried to get the Internet communities to buy off on).
是的——事实上,关于这一切的最初想法是与 1936 年电气和电话联邦法案的精神相同,该法案专门针对公用事业公司不想花钱到达的农村地区,因此美联储规定“权力和电话”是一种普遍权利。这也是EFF的一个主题。这种基本冲动也是卡内基大力支持美国免费图书馆系统的驱动因素之一(整个故事很有趣,包括卡内基遗赠中的一些高尚的规定,我有时试图获得这些规定)互联网社区上购买)。
Every Carnegie library had to have two special rooms – one just for children, and the other where people could be taught to read. Part of the Carnegie money for the libraries supported the reading teachers and sessions. Carnegie was an immigrant and child laborer who could read a little. One of his earliest bosses would open his home library to his workers on Saturdays. Carnegie used this to raise himself up, and never forgot how it happened. (He was also one of the few truly rich people ever who said he was going to give it all away to benefit the civilization around him, and actually did it.)
每个卡内基图书馆都必须有两个特殊的房间——一个仅供儿童使用,另一个可以教人们阅读。卡内基为图书馆提供的部分资金用于支持阅读教师和课程。卡内基是一名移民和童工,会读一点书。他最早的老板之一会在周六向员工开放他的家庭图书馆。卡内基以此来提升自己,并且永远不会忘记它是如何发生的。 (他也是少数几个真正富有的人之一,他说他将放弃一切以造福他周围的文明,并且实际上做到了。)
Greg - Sam Altman — 格雷格 - 萨姆·奥尔特曼(
看看 Altman 对这个 OpenAI 联合创始人 Greg 的评价是怎么样的。
From then on he was fully in, with an average email response time of about 5 minutes to anything. Elon and I were both busy with day jobs, but Greg kept everything moving forward with imperfect information and a very high-latency connection.
从那时起,他就全身心投入,对任何事情的平均电子邮件回复时间约为 5 分钟。埃隆和我都忙于日常工作,但格雷格通过不完善的信息和非常高的延迟连接使一切顺利进行。
He’s incredibly open to feedback. Large or small, he’s always willing to hear it, never gets offended, and processes it very quickly. I once suggested to him that he wasn't communicating a bold enough vision for the organization, and the next time I heard him talk about it (and every time since) it was a perfectly calibrated explanation of how we were going to succeed at something that really mattered. Even on non-traditional ideas, like when I suggested he co-lead the organization with Ilya, he was always open-minded and thoughtful.
Without someone dedicated to finding a solution to all problems, no matter how difficult, eventually a large problem will come along and kill you while you’re still weak. Founding teams need a Chief Optimist to rally everyone to press on despite the difficulties, and it’s always hard on that person because they can’t really lean on anyone else in the hardest times.
Time to Take a Stand - Sam Altman — 是时候表明立场了——萨姆·奥尔特曼(
如何应对政治气候的变化? 团结并且坚决!
The tech community is powerful. Large tech companies in particular have enormous power and are held in high regard. We need to hear from the CEOs clearly and unequivocally. Although there is some business risk in doing so, there is strength in numbers—if everyone does it early this coming week, we will all make each other stronger.
If this action has not crossed a line for you, I suggest you think now about what your own line in the sand is. It’s easy, with gradual escalation, for the definition of ‘acceptable’ to get moved. So think now about what action President Trump might take that you would consider crossing a line, and write it down.
云风的 BLOG: 手机游戏引擎的优化(
目前遇到最大的问题是游戏的能耗。优化游戏引擎让它尽量减少能耗,是过去在 PC 上做开发所没有过的经历。
让玩家的续航时间更长是一方面的原因,更重要的原因是:一旦让手机长时间工作在高能耗状态下,超过了手机的散热设计功耗 (TDP),必然会逐步发烫。最终会导致手机 CPU 自己降频,帧率也达不到了。
以前以帧率为唯一衡量标准放到手机上就行不通了。如果只为帧率达标的话,一般是在达标的基础上尽可能的提升画面质量,或是采用更简单易维护的算法。例如,有些算法为了简单,就直接每帧重复计算。而 cache 计算结果尽量避免重复计算,通常会增加代码的复杂度,却能减少 CPU 的使用。
为了得到准确的能耗情况,我没有采纳 xcode 给我的数据,而使用了更苛刻的测试方法:
每次测试前把电量充到 97% ,然后静置到刚好变成 96% 的那一刻开始启动游戏,加载足够复杂的场景,连续玩 16 分钟。以这样相同的测试条件,分别对全分辨率和半分辨率各测试两次(共四次),我发现全分辨率下的耗电几乎是半分辨率的一倍。
而考虑到能耗开销由 CPU 和 GPU 共同承担,修改分辨率丝毫不影响 CPU 的使用,那么 GPU 开销实际不只翻倍。或者说,我们引擎的 CPU 部分优化已经足够了,接下来需要重点考虑的是 GPU 开销。
(28 封私信) 为什么坚持跑步之后感觉人变虚了? - 知乎(
健康的运动一定不会去追量,而是维持自己稳定心率( 正常人120是最好的运动心率,尽量不要超过140,150是红色警戒线 ),保持心率越恒定越好,而不要忽然静息到6、70,一下子又上到130、140。然后控制心率,运动时间在30到45分钟内。尽可能不要大汗淋漓,如果确实环境不允许,比如我在的广东沿海地区,那得事先准备好足够的水分,甚至运动过程里,要适当小口补水,还要毛巾擦汗、必要时候得湿毛巾降温,但是不要用冷水直接冲洗身体,可以用冷水冲洗手腕,特别是脉搏处。出汗并不是不好,但是短时间里大量出汗,就对身体不友好了。特别是这种短时间的大量出汗,会消耗“能量”,从而降低了你真正的运动能力。
Working remotely is a competitive hiring advantage again — 远程工作再次成为具有竞争力的招聘优势(
This is doubly so for workers who don't live in the few big cities, which most major tech companies settle in. For whom taking tech job with a big company that insists office attendance would require leaving life, family, and their preferred location behind. The world is full of wonderful, talented people who won't do this.
对于那些不住在少数大城市(大多数大型科技公司都驻扎于此)的员工来说,情况更是如此。对于那些在一家坚持上班的大公司从事科技工作的人来说,他们需要把生活、家庭和他们喜欢的工作地点抛在脑后。 。世界上充满了优秀而有才华的人,但他们不会这样做。
Pick promise over proof — 选择承诺而非证据(
The trick is to think of all your projects as a series of games. Whether you win or tie a few early ones matters far less than building your capacity to crush them consistently later. Giving everyone on your team the chance to be their absolute best as quickly as possible is how build that crushing capacity.