Michael Stonebraker Presentation
video: http://www.iqiyi.com/v_19rrkji7e4.html pdf: turing-china.pdf
MS拿自己骑自行车穿越美国的经历和构建Postgres类比。整个过程跌宕起伏,周期性地伴随着沮丧(depression)和兴奋(elation),和Postgres非常类似:从开始信心爆棚地做一个RDBMS,然后发现投资有点问题也没有什么市场,然后随着internet泡沫火了一把,接着随着泡沫破灭回到现实,最后到被一家公司收购。用MS提到的两个短语概括最为合适serendipity(机缘巧合)和slog through the swamp(用中文说就是Great March, 长征)
- In the DBMS field, the ultimate arbiter of good ideas is the commercial marketplace
- In my opinion, technology transfer is best done through a startup
- Large companies have their own agenda
- Read “The Innovators Dilemma” by Clayton Christensen
- Have a good idea (or 2 or 3)
- Make it Happen (prototype)
- Start a company
- Hire superb implementers
- Hire talented execs
- Make It Happen (product)
(Have a good idea then Make It Happen for 10 years) 从idea到可用大约需要10年时间