

注意我们这里必须以一致视角来eval game state. 比如下棋,在我方下完之后,就需要评估我方的局面,所以我们希望找到极大值。 在对方下完之后,也必须评估我方的局面,所以对方肯定希望找到我们的极小值。这样有两个好处,一个是max-min搜索和ab剪枝, 另外一方面到了叶子节点上评估函数是一致的. 如果我方是黑棋的话,那么我们始终只需要评估当前棋盘上黑棋的价值。

参考下面代码的话,10-71对应的剪枝是alpha cut-off, 10-72对应的是beta cut-off.

Pasted-Image-20231225104723.png Pasted-Image-20231225104646.png

function alphabeta(node, depth, α, β, maximizingPlayer) is
    if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node then
        return the heuristic value of node
    if maximizingPlayer then
        value := −∞
        for each child of node do
            value := max(value, alphabeta(child, depth − 1, α, β, FALSE))
            α := max(α, value)
            if α ≥ β then
                break (* β cut-off *)
        return value
        value := +∞
        for each child of node do
            value := min(value, alphabeta(child, depth − 1, α, β, TRUE))
            β := min(β, value)
            if α ≥ β then
                break (* α cut-off *)
        return value

(* Initial call *)
alphabeta(origin, depth, −∞, +∞, TRUE)

我考虑了一下觉得alpha, beta可以缩减成为一个变量,但是不确定是否正确

function alphabeta(node, depth, threshold, maximizingPlayer) is
    if depth = 0 or node is a terminal node then
        return the heuristic value of node
    if maximizingPlayer then
        value := −∞
        for each child of node do
            value := max(value, alphabeta(child, depth − 1, value, FALSE))
            if value >= thresold then
                break (* β cut-off *)
        return value
        value := +∞
        for each child of node do
            value := min(value, alphabeta(child, depth − 1, value, TRUE))
            if threshold >= value then
                break (* α cut-off *)
        return value

alphabeta(origin, depth, +∞, True)