The Little Manual of API Design
- Characteristics of Good APIs 好的API特点
- Easy to learn and memorize 容易学习和记忆
- Leads to readable code 产生可读代码
- Hard to misuse 很难误用
- Easy to extend 容易扩展
- Complete 完备性
- The Design Process API设计过程
- Know the requirements 了解需求
- Write use cases before you write any other code 在编写代码前编写用例
- Look for similar APis in the same library 参考相似的API,了解背景,取精华其糟粕
- Define the API before you implement it 在实现前先定义
- Have you peers review your API 同事评议你的API设计
- Write several examples against the API 用自己设计的API编写几个例子看看
- Prepare for extensions 为扩展做准备
- Don't publish internal APIs without review 在评议之前先不要发布内部API
- When in doubt, leave it out. 如果有什么不确定的话,先不要设设计出来
- Functionality, classes, methods, parameters, etc.
- You can always add, but you can never remove
- Design Guidelines API设计准则
- Choose self-explanatory names and signatures 自解释的名字
- Choose unambiguous names for related things 给相关事物取名一定要消除歧义
- Beware of false consistency. 虚假一致性
- 两个API从语义上相似,但是如果底层代价或者是调用方式存在很大差异的话,
- 需要在API设计上将这些反应出来,让使用者意识到这种差异
- Avoid abbreviations 避免过度缩写
- Prefer specific names to general names. 使用更加准确的命名
- Don't be a slave of an underlying API's naming practices. 不要被底层API的命名规则限制和约束
- Choose good defaults 选择好的默认值
- Aoivd making your APIs overly clever 不要让API过度智能(产生难以解释的副作用)
- Pay attentions to edge cases 验证极端测试用例
- Be careful when defining virtual APIs 是否有必要设计成为虚函数
- Strive for property-based APIs 尽量设计成基于属性的API
- The best API is no API 少做决定,少写API