

Based on our analysis on Facebook systems and huge user data sets, we have summarized the following four critical requirements for a data placement structure in a MapReduce environment.(数据存储格式必须满足下面几个要求)

Horizontal Row-store (水平基于行存储) pros(1,4) cons(2,3)


Vertical Column-store (垂直基于列存储) 如果确定访问模式的话那么可以通过column redundancy来提升访问速度


RCFile (Record Columnar File). It combines the advantages of both row-store and column-store. First, as row-store, RCFile guarantees that data in the same row are located in the same node, thus it has low cost of tuple reconstruction. Second, as column-store, RCFile can exploit a column-wise data compression and skip unnecessary column reads.

RCFile is designed and implemented on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). As demonstrated in the example shown in Figure 3, RCFile has the following data layout to store a table:


We now introduce how data is compressed in RCFile. In each row group, the metadata header section and the table data section are compressed independently as follows:(meta data和table data使用不同压缩策略)

I/O performance is a major concern of RCFile. Therefore, RCFile needs to use a large and flexible row group size. There are two considerations to determine the row group size:(如何选择row group size).


Users should choose the row group size to consider both the storage space and query execution requirements. Currently, RCFile adapted in Facebook uses 4MB as the default row group size. The RCFile library provides a parameter to allow users to select a size for their own table.