
Table of Contents


1. Overview


  • lzf.c 程序入口文件
  • lzf.h 接口文件
  • lzfP.h 配置文件
  • lzf_c.c 压缩
  • lzf_d.c 解压缩


2. Compress

 * Compress in_len bytes stored at the memory block starting at
 * in_data and write the result to out_data, up to a maximum length
 * of out_len bytes.
 * If the output buffer is not large enough or any error occurs return 0,
 * otherwise return the number of bytes used, which might be considerably
 * more than in_len (but less than 104% of the original size), so it
 * makes sense to always use out_len == in_len - 1), to ensure _some_
 * compression, and store the data uncompressed otherwise (with a flag, of
 * course.
 * lzf_compress might use different algorithms on different systems and
 * even different runs, thus might result in different compressed strings
 * depending on the phase of the moon or similar factors. However, all
 * these strings are architecture-independent and will result in the
 * original data when decompressed using lzf_decompress.
 * The buffers must not be overlapping.
unsigned int
lzf_compress (const void *const in_data,  unsigned int in_len,
              void             *out_data, unsigned int out_len);
  • in & out的内存区间不能重叠
  • 如果out_len不够的话,返回0;否则返回压缩后大小。所以使用上可以out_len = in_len-1. 如果压缩之后空间变大的话那么直接使用原空间
  • 不同版本lzf压缩同一个数据得到的结果不一定相同,取决于寻找repeatable string方法。但是均可以使用同样的解压缩函数解压。

压缩数据节(data section)有三种标识 a. literal b. short backref c. long backref.

 * compressed format
 * 000LLLLL <L+1>    ; literal, L+1=1..33 octets
 * LLLooooo oooooooo ; backref L+1=1..7 octets, o+1=1..4096 offset
 * 111ooooo LLLLLLLL oooooooo ; backref L+8 octets, o+1=1..4096 offset


  • HLOG # 用于查找repeatable string的hashtable大小. 1 << HLOG
  • VERY_FAST / ULTRA_FAST # 控制查找repeatble string策略
  • LZF_USE_OFFSETS # 决定hashtable存储偏移还是存储pointer. 为了方便阅读代码,这里我们假设存储偏移。
    • define LZF_HSLOT_BIAS ((const u8 *)in_data)
    • typedef unsigned int LZF_HSLOT;
    • typedef LZF_HSLOT LZF_STATE[1 << (HLOG)]; # hashtable定义
  • STRICT_ALIGN # input数据是否对齐


#ifndef FRST
# define FRST(p) (((p[0]) << 8) | p[1])
# define NEXT(v,p) (((v) << 8) | p[2])
// 区别在于使用hash函数不同. 普通模式下运算量更多但是均匀效果应该会更好
#  define IDX(h) ((( h             >> (3*8 - HLOG)) - h  ) & (HSIZE - 1))
# elif VERY_FAST
#  define IDX(h) ((( h             >> (3*8 - HLOG)) - h*5) & (HSIZE - 1))
# else
#  define IDX(h) ((((h ^ (h << 5)) >> (3*8 - HLOG)) - h*5) & (HSIZE - 1))
# endif

// literal最大长度
#define        MAX_LIT        (1 <<  5)
// offset最大长度
#define        MAX_OFF        (1 << 13)
// ref最大长度. 看long backref定义是L+8 ocets. 而L最长可以是8bits.
#define        MAX_REF        ((1 << 8) + (1 << 3))

unsigned int
lzf_compress (const void *const in_data, unsigned int in_len,
              void *out_data, unsigned int out_len
    LZF_STATE htab;
    const u8 *ip = (const u8 *)in_data;
    u8 *op = (u8 *)out_data;
    const u8 *in_end  = ip + in_len;
    u8 *out_end = op + out_len;
    const u8 *ref;

    unsigned long off;
    unsigned int hval;
    int lit;

    if (!in_len || !out_len)
        return 0;

    memset (htab, 0, sizeof (htab)); // 初始化hashtable.

    lit = 0; op++; /* start run */ // 这里空出1字节是为了处理literal.

    hval = FRST (ip);
    while (ip < in_end - 2)
        LZ_HSLOT *hslot;

        hval = NEXT (hval, ip); // 此时hval = (ip[-1] << 24) | (ip[0] << 16) | (ip[1] << 8) | ip[2].
        hslot = htab + IDX (hval);
        // 然后查找hashtable是否存在潜在相同的串,记为ref; 同时更新hashtable这个entry为ip.
        // 这里更新hashtable entry非常重要,因为offset是有限制的。如果不更新的话,那么超过offset长度限制的串
        // 便不能被匹配以及压缩了。
        ref = *hslot + LZF_HSLOT_BIAS; *hslot = ip - LZF_HSLOT_BIAS;

        if (1
            && ref < ip /* the next test will actually take care of this, but this is faster */
            // 这里真实偏移是(off+1). 但是只存储off.(see backref)
            && (off = ip - ref - 1) < MAX_OFF
            && ref > (u8 *)in_data
            // 检查ref和ip头三个字节是否相同. 至少3个字节才会压缩
            && ref[2] == ip[2]
            && ((ref[1] << 8) | ref[0]) == ((ip[1] << 8) | ip[0])
            && *(u16 *)ref == *(u16 *)ip
            /* match found at *ref++ */
            unsigned int len = 2;
            unsigned int maxlen = in_end - ip - len;
            // 最长可以ref多少字节
            maxlen = maxlen > MAX_REF ? MAX_REF : maxlen;

            // 保守估计至少3个字节(long backref). 这里+1为下一轮查找literal准备
            if (expect_false (op + 3 + 1 >= out_end)) /* first a faster conservative test */
                if (op - !lit + 3 + 1 >= out_end) /* second the exact but rare test */
                    return 0;

            // 将之前的literal flush出来。这个后面会给出解释为什么可以这么做
            op [- lit - 1] = lit - 1; /* stop run */
            op -= !lit; /* undo run if length is zero */

            for (;;)
                if (expect_true (maxlen > 16))
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;

                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;

                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;

                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;
                    len++; if (ref [len] != ip [len]) break;

                while (len < maxlen && ref[len] == ip[len]);

            // ip和ref公共串长度为len - 1.(比较tricky, 需要考虑一下)
            // 注意这里如果ip和ref存在overlapping也没有任何问题

            len -= 2; /* len is now #octets - 1 */

            if (len < 7) // short backref
                *op++ = (off >> 8) + (len << 5);
            else // long backref.
                *op++ = (off >> 8) + (  7 << 5);
                *op++ = len - 7;

            *op++ = off;

            // 至此一轮repeatable string查找完毕。为下一轮literal准备.
            lit = 0; op++; /* start run */

            // 输入串向前前进len+1字节
            ip += len + 1;

            if (expect_false (ip >= in_end - 2))

            // 如果是ULTRA_FAST回退一个字节做索引
            // 如果是VERY FAST回退两个字节
            // 普通模式的话会对这一个输入串做索引
# endif
            hval = FRST (ip);

            hval = NEXT (hval, ip);
            htab[IDX (hval)] = ip - LZF_HSLOT_BIAS;

            hval = NEXT (hval, ip);
            htab[IDX (hval)] = ip - LZF_HSLOT_BIAS;
# endif
            ip -= len + 1;

                hval = NEXT (hval, ip);
                htab[IDX (hval)] = ip - LZF_HSLOT_BIAS;
            while (len--);
        else // 如果没有找到公共串的话那么输出literal.
            /* one more literal byte we must copy */
            if (expect_false (op >= out_end))
                return 0;

            lit++; *op++ = *ip++;

            // 后面会讲解literal是怎么处理的
            if (expect_false (lit == MAX_LIT))
                op [- lit - 1] = lit - 1; /* stop run */
                lit = 0; op++; /* start run */

    if (op + 3 > out_end) /* at most 3 bytes can be missing here */
        return 0;

    // 如果剩余串很短的话那么通用按照literal来处理。
    while (ip < in_end)
        lit++; *op++ = *ip++;

        if (expect_false (lit == MAX_LIT))
            op [- lit - 1] = lit - 1; /* stop run */
            lit = 0; op++; /* start run */

    op [- lit - 1] = lit - 1; /* end run */
    op -= !lit; /* undo run if length is zero */

    return op - (u8 *)out_data;


  • "lit = 0; op++". # 因为literal需要一个额外字节,这里op++空出一个字节
  • 可是有时候lit=0就退出了,这个时候op最后一个字节是废弃的,所以有"op -= !lit".
  • 当lit == MAX_LIT的时候或者是flush时候(假设lit!=0. lit=0的情况上面分析过了). 比如lit = 3
    • "op[-lit-1] = lit-1" 就是 "op[-4] = 2"
    • op[-4]是literal开头的字节,而2+1则是literal长度

3. Decompress


// intel有rep movsb指令用来做memcpy. 之前做过实验发现效果并不理想
#if USE_REP_MOVSB /* small win on amd, big loss on intel */
#if (__i386 || __amd64) && __GNUC__ >= 3
# define lzf_movsb(dst, src, len)               \
    asm ("rep movsb"                            \
         : "=D" (dst), "=S" (src), "=c" (len)   \
         :  "0" (dst),  "1" (src),  "2" (len));

unsigned int
lzf_decompress (const void *const in_data,  unsigned int in_len,
                void             *out_data, unsigned int out_len)
    u8 const *ip = (const u8 *)in_data;
    u8       *op = (u8 *)out_data;
    u8 const *const in_end  = ip + in_len;
    u8       *const out_end = op + out_len;

        unsigned int ctrl = *ip++;

        if (ctrl < (1 << 5)) /* literal run */

            if (op + ctrl > out_end)
                SET_ERRNO (E2BIG);
                return 0;

#ifdef lzf_movsb
            lzf_movsb (op, ip, ctrl);
            switch (ctrl)
                case 32: *op++ = *ip++; case 31: *op++ = *ip++; case 30: *op++ = *ip++; case 29: *op++ = *ip++;
                case 28: *op++ = *ip++; case 27: *op++ = *ip++; case 26: *op++ = *ip++; case 25: *op++ = *ip++;
                case 24: *op++ = *ip++; case 23: *op++ = *ip++; case 22: *op++ = *ip++; case 21: *op++ = *ip++;
                case 20: *op++ = *ip++; case 19: *op++ = *ip++; case 18: *op++ = *ip++; case 17: *op++ = *ip++;
                case 16: *op++ = *ip++; case 15: *op++ = *ip++; case 14: *op++ = *ip++; case 13: *op++ = *ip++;
                case 12: *op++ = *ip++; case 11: *op++ = *ip++; case 10: *op++ = *ip++; case  9: *op++ = *ip++;
                case  8: *op++ = *ip++; case  7: *op++ = *ip++; case  6: *op++ = *ip++; case  5: *op++ = *ip++;
                case  4: *op++ = *ip++; case  3: *op++ = *ip++; case  2: *op++ = *ip++; case  1: *op++ = *ip++;
        else /* back reference */
            unsigned int len = ctrl >> 5;

            u8 *ref = op - ((ctrl & 0x1f) << 8) - 1;

            if (len == 7)
                len += *ip++;

            ref -= *ip++;

            if (op + len + 2 > out_end)
                SET_ERRNO (E2BIG);
                return 0;

            if (ref < (u8 *)out_data)
                SET_ERRNO (EINVAL);
                return 0;

#ifdef lzf_movsb
            len += 2;
            lzf_movsb (op, ref, len);
            switch (len)
                    len += 2;
                    // 处理ip和ref公共串存在overlapping的情况
                    if (op >= ref + len)
                        /* disjunct areas */
                        memcpy (op, ref, len);
                        op += len;
                        /* overlapping, use octte by octte copying */
                            *op++ = *ref++;
                        while (--len);


                case 9: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 8: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 7: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 6: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 5: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 4: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 3: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 2: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 1: *op++ = *ref++;
                case 0: *op++ = *ref++; /* two octets more */
                    *op++ = *ref++;
    while (ip < in_end);

    return op - (u8 *)out_data;