LC 6119. 元素值大于变化阈值的子数组

这提的思路就是,对于 `A[i]` 来说,如果它是最小值,那么它左右可以覆盖的范围是多少。假设我们对于左边进行考虑


class Solution:
    def validSubarraySize(self, nums: List[int], threshold: int) -> int:
        n = len(nums)

        A = [-1] * n
        for i in range(1, n):
            j = i - 1
            while j >= 0 and nums[i] <= nums[j]:
                j = A[j]
            A[i] = j

        B = [n] * n
        for i in reversed(range(n - 1)):
            j = i + 1
            while j < n and nums[i] <= nums[j]:
                j = B[j]
            B[i] = j

        for i in range(n):
            sz = B[i] - A[i] - 1
            if nums[i] * sz > threshold:
                return sz
        return -1