LC 5970. 参加会议的最多员工数


  1. 如果回路的长度超过2的话,那么就只能使用这个回路,比如 A->B->C->A 的话就是一个闭环,不能和其他结果链接起来。
  2. 如果回路的长度是2的话,好比A<->B这样,那么可以分别从A和B向外链接其他结果,比如
    • F->E->D->C->A<->B
    • H->G->J->I->B<->A
  3. 并且2得到的结果可以混合在一起比如(这点我开始没有想到)
    • D->C->A<->B<-I<-J
    • 6->5->1<->2<-3<-4
    • 之间是不会有任何冲突的


class Solution:
    def maximumInvitations(self, favorite: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(favorite)

        #========== 求解最长回路 ==========
        def check_cycle():
            cycle = [0] * n
            res = 0
            for i in range(n):
                path, step, buf = {}, 0, []
                x = i
                while x not in path:
                    if cycle[x]: break
                    path[x] = step
                    step += 1
                    x = favorite[x]

                if cycle[x]:
                    d = cycle[x]
                    d = step - path[x]

                for x in buf:
                    cycle[x] = d
                res = max(res, d)
            return res

        cycle_size = check_cycle()

        # ========== 按照拓扑顺序动态规划 ==========
        deg = [0] * n
        dp = [1] * n
        from collections import deque
        Q = deque()
        for i in range(n):
            deg[favorite[i]] += 1
        for i in range(n):
            if deg[i] == 0:

        while Q:
            x = Q.popleft()
            to = favorite[x]
            dp[to] = max(dp[to], dp[x] + 1)
            deg[to] -= 1
            if deg[to] == 0:

        # ========== 将多个长度为2的回路拼接起来 ==========
        concat_size = 0
        for i in range(n):
            if favorite[favorite[i]] == i and i < favorite[i]:
                concat_size += dp[i] + dp[favorite[i]]

        ans = max(cycle_size, concat_size)
        return ans