LC 2513. 最小化两个数组中的最大值


这题总体的框架就是二分,二分的上限是 `2*(uniqueCount1 + uniqueCount2)` 因为divisor最小就是2,如果两个divisor都是2的话,那么只需要取所有的奇数就行。


class Solution:
    def minimizeSet(self, divisor1: int, divisor2: int, uniqueCnt1: int, uniqueCnt2: int) -> int:
        def GCD(a, b):
            while b != 0:
                a, b = b, a % b
            return a

        def LCM(a, b):
            return a * b // GCD(a, b)

        def test(k):
            lcm = LCM(divisor1, divisor2)
            # be used to g1 and g2 both
            a = k - k // divisor1 - k // divisor2 + k // lcm
            # only to g1
            b = (k - k // divisor1) - a
            # only to g2
            c = (k - k // divisor2) - a

            if (b + a) < uniqueCnt1: return False
            r = min(a, (b + a) - uniqueCnt1)
            if (r + c) < uniqueCnt2: return False
            return True

        s, e = 1, (uniqueCnt1 + uniqueCnt2) * 2
        while s <= e:
            m = (s + e) // 2
            if test(m):
                e = m - 1
                s = m + 1
        return s